What’s Next?

Even though I’ve completed 365 days with Flylady on this blog, I’m not going to abandon my work here. I’ll still be blogging about how Flylady is working for me and my large, homeschooling family. I’ll be blogging about my book reviews and how much progress I’m making de-cluttering. But, I’m not going to be making a daily post any more.

My NEW blogging emphasis is going to be over at Abiding In the True Vine. I’m so very excited to be launching this new blog. It’s going to be crafting-focused! And I’m going to be featuring my etsy store items as I list them. Please come visit me over there starting September 1.

I hope you’ll keep dropping by–either here or there!

9 Responses to “What’s Next?”

  1. theangryhousewife Says:

    I’m so glad I found your blog! I’m just starting my journey with FlyLady and I pray that her program will work wonders in my home! 🙂

  2. Maaike Quinn Says:

    Hi there! I love your site! I just started my own blog about life with FlyLady. Blessings!

  3. Alana in Canada Says:


    Believe it or not, I’ve just spent last night and this morning reading through your entire blog from the beginning. You are truly inspiring. Your faith shines through, and your committment to making things work for you is truly amazing. You also have a wonderful writing voice–what a gift!

    As a result, I am thinking about jumping back on the flylady bandwagon (I used flylady’s program when the kids were young, but I totally missed that bit about the chores and routines NOT being the focus of the whole thing. I started to build up a lot of resentment towards those who came after me and, as you said, “un-did” all my doing.

    At any rate, I am rambling on…but please know that your blog–though it may have felyt a bit lonely and unread in the beginning–will always be here for those of us looking for some inspiration and reassurance. And if we read you, we will find it.

    Thanks so much.

  4. Sarah Says:

    Today I just finished reading your blog from beginning to end… again! Yes, I read it all last year. Even though I’ve been FLYing for 16 years now, I still find this blog helpful and inspiring. I look forward to reading it again next year.

  5. Mery Says:

    I know this is 10 years later, but I just read through this blog and it was so encouraging to me. Thank you so much for writing it and keeping it up!

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